Surviving Spouse Corner - December 2023
Awe!!! Christmas time is here again. What a joy, for believers. For those that don’t believe in this tradition and holiday, it is also very enjoyable because they participate in family gatherings, parties and many fun activities.
However, for believers, it is a very special time of the year because we celebrate our Faith in our Savior, our Redeemer.
We take great pride in decorating our homes to commemorate His Birthday.
Christmas has a sacred meaning for Christians.
So, yes, we delight in rejoicing about the significance of that awesome event that happened 2000 years ago.
However, we are conscious of the people that have lost their loved ones and know that this is a very difficult time for them.
Our hearts go out to them because most of us have been in their situation. At this time of the year, God radiates His love so strongly, that His grace is felt in the hearts of all those who follow Him.
His love transcends through every aspect of life and gives us hope, strength and fills that emptiness of loneliness with His divine treasured loving kindness, mercy and grace.
And with that love, comes peace, joy, comfort, happiness and a purpose of life.
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